Only active members in good standing will be included in the FBINAA Speakers Bureau. We are actively seeking to expand this list to provide the maximum benefit to our chapters/members and their agencies. If you would like to be considered or know of anyone you would recommend, please complete or have them complete the Speaker's Bureau Application above. Once the applicant has been vetted and approved, they will be added to the FBINAA Speakers Bureau.
The FBINAA Speakers Bureau has been created to assist chapters/members in locating dynamic and experienced speakers for their events who have already been endorsed by other chapters and/or members. This is a resource tool for members to share their experiences. It is the responsibility of the chapter/member to negotiate any and all speaker engagements, and applicable speaker fees, etc. Below is the current list of speakers we have compiled to date, listed by topic area.
FBINAA Speakers Bureau Application
Dynamic and interactive in nature, the class is designed to challenge traditional thinking and engage participants on a very personal level.
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Getting the truth is not easy. We learn at an early age to tell partial truths to avoid telling complete lies. Precise communication prevents and uncovers partial truths. Imprecise communication nurtures deception. Developing special skills will help find the truth. The attendee will learn these skills through lecture and examples.
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This training is not a lecture, our program combines an interactive, entertaining, and informative format that balances humor with humility in a proven husband and wife instructor team. With current real-world experience, our format allows the audience to identify with the content. It offers tangible skills to bring your communication ability to the next regardless of the forum. You can't lead if you can't effectively communicate, we will help you get there!
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Participants will be exposed to the DISC personality diagnostic instrument in an effort to understand their communication and behavior patterns. Further, each personality type will be examined to assist each participant in understanding how to interact and communicate with individuals of different personalities. At the conclusion, each participant should have a basic understanding of how and why interactions with others are affected by personality.
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These courses have been designed to help those in a wide variety of law enforcement roles better understand the use of public messaging through times of crisis through both the traditional media, social media, and internal messaging and to use positive story-telling to build relationships with the community in the best of times. Using time-tested best practices, the courses employ actionable theory with practical exercises that demonstrate the lessons learned can be immediately put to use.
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Preparation is the moment that meets opportunity. After attending this course, the student will learn ways to effectively prepare for a multitude of questions on several different hot topics. We will discuss a step-by-step process for how to answer questions. If you simply answer the specific question asked; with no additional insight or how that question directly affects the community or department, you will NOT get the job. Students will leave with 25 questions that are currently being asked for ranks such as FTO, Detective, Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain.
Today's youth have grown up in a world that is very different from that of most adults. Many young people experience the Internet and other technological advancements as a positive, productive and creative part of their lives and development of their identities - always on and always there. Unfortunately, these same technologies are also being used in a negative manner. One such abuse involves bullying via electronic means, or Cyberbullying. Previously safe and enjoyable environments and activities can all too quickly turn threatening and become a source of anxiety. Current research in this area indicates that Cyberbullying is a part of many young people's lives.
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Previously, law enforcement viewed cyber matters to be limited solely to investigation of child pornography and predators on the Internet. However, in the 21st Century Law Enforcement now has a host of other issues to face that are changing the landscape of crime as well as threats to officers themselves. This course, complete with handout, is designed to inform law enforcement of the various issues and provide suggestions on how best to respond.
This course is designed to raise awareness of the problems associated with fatigued or tired police officers. The presenter will define fatigue and educate the attendees about the causes of police fatigue, the consequences, and suggested ways in which fatigue can be managed. Half and full day programs expand the conversations about the physiological impacts to include how fatigue influences use of force, performance, driving, officer safety, and report writing. The attendees will be asked to self-reflect on the problem and ask themselves: "Am I contributing to the problem or the solution?" Attendees will be encouraged to take ownership of their own fatigue and consider ways to improve their personal situations. At the end of the session, the attendees will have a better understanding of why fatigue is a problem for law enforcement, why they should be concerned about fatigue, and the importance of sound effective management police.
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The material contained in this presentation is particularly illustrative of the dangers of inattention to potential threats in situations where people tend to be complacent or distracted, and offers excellent opportunities to teach specific, potentially life-saving behaviors in response to those threats. The course is intended for adults of all ages, including teens ages *15 and up. The course incorporates lecture, PowerPoint, video and actual demonstration. The techniques do not involve strength training, but rather mental preparedness, recognition and avoidance techniques.
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Law enforcement officers across the United States receive training in a wide variety of topics. However, how many law enforcement officers receive in-depth training to prepare them for the traumas they will face? This presentation consists of a personal case study in which the speaker was shot while investigating a domestic disturbance. During the incident, a female was also killed. The presentation contains crime scene photos and video, original 911 call and radio traffic, and researched information and material from various experts.
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Suicide is the #1 cause of death for police officers every year with an estimated nearly 20% suffering from PTSD. Many others suffer from the daily traumas of the job with low resiliency, depression, addictions, lack of motivation, mental and emotional illnesses. Most agencies do not have a Wellness Program to promote emotional survival. Officers distressed with PTSD and emotional suffering are incapable of providing effective professional services to the community. Bulletproof Spirit provides proactive wellness strategies for individual success, agency effectiveness, and community impact.
Good ethics is often seen as a zero sum game. What’s good for you must be bad for me. This presentation focuses on the inherent value of practicing good ethics to everyone involved in the transaction. This can be measured in terms of more successful police department missions and even in terms of monetary costs.
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We need to remember the importance of our membership in a noble profession. Regardless of what is going on politically and economically, warriors/guardians continue to be courageous, selfless, and pay the ultimate sacrifice for our communities. We fight the good fight, no matter what! Since the beginning of time warriors have performed during times of adversity and hardship. Warriors have protected those who can't protect themselves for hundreds of years. We have a responsibility to the warriors of the past to never betray them or their sacrifices.
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Officers today must realize that everything they do on and off duty an affect them. Personal feelings, political views and social issues must be considered 24/7. That also includes family members, friends and associations. Social media has changed our society and we have to realize that the texts we send, the photo's we share can affect us and our departments in many ways.
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Attendees can expect to be motivated to analyze the behavior of themselves and those they lead by becoming aware of the need for ethical decisions in policing and administration.
New challenges in local security and counter-terrorism coupled with a drift toward militarization compel law enforcement executives to both plan and be responsive to the community in ways not heretofore dreamed of.
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During the presentation we analyze the In Car video to better understand the fight for life the officers were involved in. We also discuss the Lessons Learned by the Cottonwood Police Department in regards to equipment use, capabilities/ malfunctions, training issues, and why Fitness in Law Enforcement must be continued even after the academy. Additionally we discuss the use of the in car video in regards to public and media relations given todays attitudes towards law enforcements use of Deadly Force.
Off-duty employment is a great thing. It provides additional opportunities for officers, strengthens ties to your community and the presence of uniformed police officers where there would otherwise be none. However, it is important to remember that every time an officer wears the uniform there is risk to your agency.
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Engagement begins with the use of four simple keys…people, places, the things they do, and the times they do them. These four simple benchmarks can help street officers know their beat and effectively police their areas of responsibility. They are also the same four keys of focus that can help senior and executive level leaders guide their agencies in a manner that promotes professionalism, attentiveness to the community, and officer morale and resiliency. Senior and executive level leadership are often in positions where they make critical decisions. Sometimes those decisions can be viewed as setbacks or failures. The presentation provides insight for law enforcement leadership to effectively deal with setbacks and move forward.
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This enriching one-day seminar delves deep into the multifaceted world of leadership. In this informative and engaging event, we'll explore the art of adaptive leadership, helping you identify and harness your unique strengths to become an effective and inspiring leader. Your presenter, Paul Bailey, will share invaluable insights into mentorship and engagement, guiding you on how to nurture talent, foster growth, and leave a lasting impact on your organization and beyond.
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This motivational presentation will cover what it takes to be a good professional and highlight the power of being a good person. I will illustrate how to take individual talents and apply them to the group setting to make an unstoppable and productive team. It is my belief that the ability to lead is present in everyone, regardless of their rank in an organization or irrespective of their situation in life. There are common characteristics that respected people and effective leaders share- most of these traits are developed by the individual rather than through the position they hold. This presentation will cover some of these most important leadership traits, as well as how each individual can use the lessons of yesterday to overcome challenges of today and capitalize on the opportunities of tomorrow.
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This is an engaged and interactive presentation and may include topics in five domains of wellness (physical, spiritual, social, cognitive, and psychological), depending on the needs of the audience and available time. At least four hours is needed for an introduction to all the domains and six to eight hours allow for participants to practice and discuss the practices in small groups.
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Today agencies throughout the United States are struggling to attract and retain qualified police recruits. Police shootings, a relatively rare occurrence, are intensely scrutinized by the media and in many cases the facts are distorted or completely misrepresented. Prosecutors in some jurisdictions are quick to charge officers before investigations are complete and in some cases even begun in what can be described as “knee-jerk” decisions, or worse – politically motivated. And as police administrators we aren’t necessarily doing ourselves any favors. Today, even top level police administrators need to pay attention to the street level tactics (or lack of tactics) used by their officers – because frankly, we’re not.
Some shootings and some other uses of force can’t be avoided. Sometimes no matter what tactics we train our people on ultimately fail to prevent a tragedy. But the vast majority of the time, through careful analysis, we find that if our tactics were better the outcomes would have been much different. The mandate for that change has to come from the top of the organization. In this presentation, we will briefly examine the history of where we were “back-in-the-day” and quickly move to a discussion of where we are now. We’ll discuss the recruiting challenges and what successful agencies are doing to attract candidates – without lowering the bar. Leadership issues are broken down into practical, actionable, application. The program is fast-paced and includes rich mixture including reviews of contemporary incidents, video, analysis, lessons-learned, policy development, and candid class discussion. Significant emphasis is placed on getting rid of the “we’ve always done it that way” mindset.
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The need for effective and impacting leadership in modern day law enforcement is at an all-time high. With economic hardships negatively impacting law enforcement agencies, acts of violence against officers increasing in severity and frequency, violent crime rates rising, and growing public animosity/distrust toward law enforcement, agencies are in need of strong, effective leadership and management practices. This is especially true for small agencies where personnel and financial resources are limited. In this presentation we will discuss six (6) of the most common leadership/management challenges to smaller agencies and offer suggestions to address each challenge.
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The course uses examples from sports, athletes, and professional research to guide students through worksheets, reflection, discussion, and video examples to define their own personal leadership philosophy.
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Emotional intelligence (EQ) is critical in public safety leadership, as it enhances the ability to manage high-stress environments and make sound decisions. Leaders with high EQ can better understand and regulate their own emotions, while effectively recognizing and responding to the emotional needs of their teams. This fosters trust, communication, and resilience, which are essential in public safety roles like law enforcement, firefighting, and emergency response. Leaders who excel in EI build strong, cohesive teams, handle crises with empathy, and reduce burnout, ultimately improving both team performance and public outcomes..
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Structure of strategic planning incorporating the Baldrige Excellence model in moving an agency forward.
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Attendees will learn to look at many of the situations that confront them (both professionally and personally) through a different perspective. A heavy emphasis is placed upon the importance having a "forward-looking orientation," and in making the anticipatory adjustments necessary to optimize one's chances for success.
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Participants learn essential Leadership skill-sets for increasing their social intellect while reaching deeper levels of cooperation with those they work with and interact with off-duty. Students will recognize their personal strengths and learn to acknowledge and understand the strengths of others. Utilizing the Personal Style Indicator and working with the associated book Deliberate Leadership participants learn a valuable way to style shift and influence with greater skill.
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Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Commissioner (Retired) Chris Lewis will present his theory that police leadership has the most significant impact on police employee morale and that poor morale leads to poor productivity and a lack of professionalism.
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Chief Linskey will present on the training and preparation which helped Boston's first responders to prepare for the Boston Marathon. That training is credited with enhancing the response and saving many lives. Chief Linskey will take the audience on both an emotional and leadership journey through the events of the attack at the Boston Marathon. It will include the response to the bombings the evacuation of the injured and the securing the scene. The presentation will then cover the challenges and lessons learned from the investigation of the attacks, the identification of the suspects and their capture. Chief Linskey was the first commander on scene in Watertown that saw the terrorists exchanging gunfire with officers as well as throwing bombs. at the responding officers. The ensuing manhunt would lead to an unprecedented lockdown of a United States city and the apprehension of the terrorists. Chief Linskey's presentation will arm first responders with the knowledge to respond to a major event and give them insight into the challenges they may face.
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Presenting Leadership mistakes and how we overcome them using firsthand experience and the common sense that comes from practical law enforcement experience from uniform patrol, detective bureaus, special operations and administration. Class is based on the book “Leading Warriors from the Backs of Giants”. Classroom setting with power-point and handouts for participant interaction that breaks down the basic mistakes we all make as leaders in Law Enforcement. Group discussions on why these mistakes keep repeating themselves despite the different personnel and agencies. Goals to accomplish and monitor to show that we are leading down the right path.
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The acronym "ICRELIEF" is used as a conceptual framework to present various leadership concepts germane to a professional position within an organization. These concepts can be applied to both an individual's personal and professional life. How an individual reacts to choices, change, commitment, creativity, control, confidence, responsibility, enthusiasm, leadership, investment, expectant attitude and humor, largely determines whether they have what it takes to "Lead by Example."
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Organizational leaders will improve their effectiveness by increasing their understanding of evidence-based leader action processes, organizational and human performance strategies, and a proven action model. Transformational leaders work with teams to identify needed change, creating a vision to guide the change through inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with committed members of a group. It is an integral part of a full range leadership approach. Transformational leadership is when leader behaviors influence followers and inspire them to perform beyond their perceived capabilities. Transformational leadership inspires people to achieve unexpected or remarkable results. It gives workers autonomy over specific jobs, as well as the authority to make decisions once they have been trained. This induces a positive change in the follower's attitudes and the organization as a whole. Transformational leaders typically perform four distinct behaviors; inspirational motivation, idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration.
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In this day and age, it can be easy to assume that your officers face the most danger when protecting the community on their shift. In many cases, when your officers’ clock in to an off-duty jobs their dangers are just beginning.
Join us for an informative breakdown of the steps needed to properly protect your officers when they are not working an official shift.
We are facing the most turbulent time for law enforcement in recent history. Protecting your officers when they are working private safety and security details is crucial.
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The course is designed to introduce attendees to leadership and leadership concepts. The focus is not just on experienced leaders but on those who are the leaders of the future. The class is intended to introduce future leaders to what it means to be a leader and supervisor. Traditionally, our profession has been terrible at building future leaders. The course intends to be more like the military where the person learns about leadership before they are one.
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We need to remember the importance of our membership in a noble profession. Regardless of what is going on politically and economically, warriors/guardians continue to be courageous, selfless, and pay the ultimate sacrifice for our communities. We fight the good fight, no matter what! Since the beginning of time warriors have performed during times of adversity and hardship. Warriors have protected those who can't protect themselves for hundreds of years. We have a responsibility to the warriors of the past to never betray them or their sacrifices.
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In today's dynamic and often resource-constrained environments, the ability to think critically has never been more essential. This presentation explores practical strategies for leveraging critical thinking to overcome challenges, make informed decisions and achieve optimal outcomes even when resources are limited.
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In today's demanding law enforcement environment, marked by unprecedented levels of stress and burnout, the role of positive leadership has never been more vital. This transformative session goes beyond the basic tenets of leadership, delving into its profound impact on the holistic well-being of our law enforcement officers.Through a dynamic blend of real-world case studies and engaging interactive discussion, participants will embark on a journey to explore how effective leadership practices directly shape the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of their teams. By the end of this course, attendees will gain a deep understanding of the critical link between leadership and employee well-being, empowering them to cultivate a work environment where employees not only survive but thrive.
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This is a seminar designed to understand, assess, and develop leadership in the four key areas of leadership: leaders, followers, culture, and mission. By applying the concepts of transformational leadership to the complex and challenging law enforcement environment, attendees will gain a greater understanding of how their leadership thoughts and actions affect the individual leader, their followers, the culture of their agency, and their law enforcement mission. By linking well-researched principles to individual self-assessments, leaders will be able to identify areas of success and where improvement may be needed with the goal of developing a future-focused leadership mindset and style that benefits the officers they serve, the departments that employ them, the communities that have placed trust in them, and the noble profession they have chosen.
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Developing and equipping Warriors, Servants and Leaders at all ranks in order to impact agency culture, police-community relations and agency morale.
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This presentation is designed to enhance understanding of leadership principles and how they apply to each person regardless of current formal leadership role that is held. In addition, organizational culture is explained including the importance of building a winning culture and how to utilize concepts to maximize personal and professional results.
The presentation takes the class through the 8 ½ year multinational homicide investigation into the death of Christina Watson, a US citizen, who died mysteriously while SCUBA diving in Australia on her honeymoon. The investigation spanned thousands of miles and 4 continents and presented unprecedented challenges and legal hurdles for the investigators in both the US and Australia. Attendees will see and hear not just the synopsis of the case, but learn how to coordinate an international criminal investigation by lessons learned on this investigation.
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The presentation will describe the criminal gangs with the greatest presence in the region, their crimes, their mod of operation, ther trans-national reach, their alliances with other organizations, and their way of evading justice, all of this beyond just related businesses with drug trafficking.
By hearing my personal story, and the subsequent journey I took towards improving my health, attendees will take away practical strategies to improve their own health and wellness, manage chronic stress, and hopefully find ways to thrive in this very challenging career. They will receive a Self-Care and Wellness Toolkit they can use to implement the strategies from the workshop.
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As law enforcement leaders, we know our greatest assets are our officers. Are we doing enough to support them during a career that can take a heavy toll on their lives? This presentation is focused on the benefits, challenges, and logistics of establishing a proactive mental health wellness program that includes regular wellness checks for officers. By establishing and implementing a program which provides our officers a way to manage not only the stress of the job, but the stress of life in general, we're able to increase their likelihood of a successful and healthy career. We will discuss lessons learned and goals achieved in a well-established wellness program.
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To inform law enforcement professionals about how trauma impacts all aspects of law enforcement. Victims, suspects, and first responders all experience trauma. Mitigating this trauma through awareness, de-escalation and stress management before, during and after an event, can improve investigations, outcomes, and officer careers.
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It has been documented, that the rigors of police work lead to PTSD, Alcoholism, Divorce and Suicide. More police officers committed suicide in 2017, than those killed in the line of duty. We recognize that due to the nature of the work and the roles police officers serve, stressors are a natural part of the job. We also know the negative impact of chronic stress. Today’s training is comprised of interactive discussions, education, and applicable ways to mitigate stress.
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This course serves as a reminder of the dangers of inattention in situations where officers tend to be complacent or distracted and highlights actual incidents of deadly and potentially deadly situations that serve as valuable training tools for officer survival.
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The goal of this presentation is to provide cutting edge information on the topic of officer wellness to include essential health, fitness and nutritional information
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In today's demanding law enforcement environment, marked by unprecedented levels of stress and burnout, the role of positive leadership has never been more vital. This transformative session goes beyond the basic tenets of leadership, delving into its profound impact on the holistic well-being of our law enforcement officers.Through a dynamic blend of real-world case studies and engaging interactive discussion, participants will embark on a journey to explore how effective leadership practices directly shape the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of their teams. By the end of this course, attendees will gain a deep understanding of the critical link between leadership and employee well-being, empowering them to cultivate a work environment where employees not only survive but thrive.
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The presentation is a lecture/facilitation/video program that focuses on reducing line of duty deaths by examining five core principles. Wear your vest, watch your speed, wear your seatbelt, what’s important now and complacency kills. These five principles we have total control over and by changing the culture in law enforcement we can reduce line of duty deaths. This presentation is full of passion and energy to encourage the leaders to look at changing the culture of safety in their organizations and themselves.
Given the current law enforcement climate, major protests and civil unrest has been at the forefront of concerns for the police executive. This training presentation will provide police executives with an awareness of the myriad considerations involving effective prevention, planning, training and response to civil unrest and major protests.
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Through a PowerPoint presentation, and videos, the speaker will give a comprehensive overview on how to prevent and or mitigate a civil disorder or civil disobedience situation.
This presentation is designed to assist NA Grads with both career transition opportunities as they near the end of their LE career and to explain to those that choose to remain in the field the benefits of partnering with private sector investigators in SIU, Loss Prevention and other fields for resource sharing and networking.
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This presentation will provide students the tools to cross the bridge from achieving financial wealth, to also achieving life wealth. Students will learn that building a life portfolio is as important as building a financial portfolio. The presentation is on my published book Balancing the Badge to Make a Difference: What Every Law Enforcement Professional Should Know About Managing Money and Life.This presentation will describe the 6 myths of retirement, new spelling and definition for the word retirement, and walk students through the 6 stages of the Circle of Life Roadmap. Students will participate in the following process:
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This presentation is a guide to enhance and discover career goals post retirement.
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A focus on the issues people will face in a career transition as they prepare to navigate private market career opportunities. Discussed are transitional issues related to retirement drivers, financial considerations, professional reinvention, emotional factors and the requisite transferable knowledge, skills and abilities required to venture into private industry. Of particular focus is your resume, networking, interviewing and negotiating salary and benefits.
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Making the decision to leave law enforcement to pursue a new career is a difficult one. The process has changed drastically over the years. The advent of on-line job searching sites and professional and social networking sites, has completely changed the way people find and get jobs. Understanding the new norm, complexities, and avoiding the pitfalls will both reduce frustration and lead to new opportunities. This talk track will help pass on the lessons learned from more than the speaker. My experience in helping many current and former officers move to the private sector has given me a wealth of experience that can help others in their own journey. This course will help you fully understand the pros and cons of leaving a career in law enforcement for new opportunities, understand the best practices for researching and networking for new opportunities, and help set oneself up for success in landing a new job.
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A discussion as to transition from Law Enforcement to retail loss prevention with the private sector.
Any training provided will be from a 'patrol mentality', meaning, the attendee will leave the training and will be immediately able to apply what was learned to a real world application.
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Aviation Disaster Training
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Evidence Training
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By dispelling myths and discussing current policies and programs, this presentation will reduce much of the misinformation about U.S. Immigration enforcement that currently abounds throughout our law enforcement community.
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Chief Cullen will present on the topic of Active Shooter Preparedness, Prevention, Response and Recovery. The presentation will address the history of Active Shooters and what has been learned by studying incidents over the past 20 years. He will provide statistics related to Active Shooter incidents and talk about actions citizens can take to protect themselves. Additionally, the presentation will focus on observable behaviors of Active Shooters and what the public can do to assist law enforcement in identifying an Active Shooter prior to the incident so law enforcement can take a proactive and measured response. This presentation will arm the audience with the knowledge and insight to be prepared for, prevent, and respond to the challenges faced due to an Active Shooter incident.
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Recruitment & Retention is a huge issue in Policing today. We show the audience all the influences that put us in the current position. We show the best practices- involving choosing the right recruiter and recognizing strategies to attract today's candidates.
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This course will discuss will help you understand today's recruits and students, learn about new strategies in Pedagogy, and learn about using multimedia and exercises.
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This course will provide attendees with a basic overview and foundation of what exactly are sensory needs, as well as discuss the most common invisible disabilities such as Autism and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This will include discussing common physical and verbal actions exhibited by those with sensory needs that can easily be misunderstood by law enforcement as hostile and threatening. The course will then provide them with additional information and skills on how to not only safely manage an interaction with someone with a sensory need, but also how to effectively communicate with them so as to bring the contact to a safe resolution.
The goal of this presentation is to generate discussion and thoughtful review on behalf of the attendees so that they will return to their agencies and update or create a sensory awareness program for their personnel.
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This course will educate investigators at a scene on where and how to find critical evidence in OIS cases or homicides some of which are areas we are not trained in. This will include testimony explaining findings from scene analysis, reconstruction at site visits, and multiple current case examples around the country that the speaker was involved in the investigation.
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Training is preparation for the known. Education is preparation for the unknown. All presentations are meant to educate current law enforcement leaders; to help them hone critical and creative thinking skills and to help them bridge the gap between current and future challenges. Students should be prepared to challenge existing assumptions and norms in order to anticipate future challenges. The Scope will depend upon the audience experience level (front-line, senior, executive).
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This presentation will provide an in-depth overview of the homicide and ensuing manhunt. Details will be shared regarding jurisdictional considerations, critical resource management, investigative techniques, challenges faced, and operational decisions made during the incident, including prosecutorial venue. Chief Goerke will also share lessons learned from the event to assist Emergency Managers in better preparing for critical incidents involving large-scale incidents.
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De-Escalation is the term that can sometimes make law enforcement officers cringe and community members rally. But does the law enforcement profession really understand it? Since 2022 there is a national initiative to standardize de-escalation training for law enforcement across the country. While there are a multitude of de-escalation training programs out there, many are not addressing the fundamental principles and tenets of true de-escalation and crisis management. This presentation seeks to enlighten the audience on what it is, what principles lie at its core, what is being created on a national level, and how to be a leader in defining it for the future of law enforcement. This presentation will enlighten police leaders on how to embrace it and use it to reinforce community engagement and enhance officer safety and wellness.
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The majority of law enforcement agencies across the country rely on the standard model of policing to reduce crime: random patrol, rapid response to calls for service, and prosecution of offenders in order to reduce crime. Nearly 50 years of research show that this model does not work. Significant research during the same time period has produced evidence to show what actually does work to reduce crime. This presentation will highlight some of the most important aspects of this research and show police leaders how to translate that research into practices that can produce real results in crime reduction, and well as how to institutionalize and sustain these practices.
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Prior to being elected in 2012, Sheriff Ivey served the citizens of the State of Florida as the Resident Agent-in-Charge for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. As a member of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Sheriff Ivey developed numerous programs that were recognized at the national and state level for their innovation and excellence in criminal investigations. Programs such as the “Child Abduction Response Team” and “Law Enforcement Getting Identity Thieves” still stand today as national models in the investigation of child abduction and identity theft cases.
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The presentation discusses best practice methods for threat assessment and risk management for administrators. With the increase of credible threats and the devastation caused by active shooters, law enforcement cannot afford to underestimate threat potential and the need for threat management. Don’t miss the clues.
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This course is designed to help sworn and civilian women take a step back, examine their self-worth, and recognize their valuable contributions to their spouses, children, and family. This course supplies attendees with an understanding of the importance of prioritizing and how to achieve a more balanced and stress-free environment.
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Each year our nation experiences large-scale disasters that prompt evacuations, and each year we watch communities relearn the same lessons. This class shares how lessons learned from more than two decades of disasters both near and abroad influenced planning across Northern Colorado ahead of the largest wildfire in the history of Colorado, The Cameron Peak Fire and the floods that followed. This course will highlight the main lessons learned from national incidents and our own experiences. We will outline the actionable steps that each community can take to evaluate their current programs and leverage the partners necessary to move forward. It will also touch on how these lessons can be carried to other types of disasters, both natural and human caused. We hope for each community to improve the cooperation and collaboration between all emergency response agencies working on these disasters to produce the best outcome for all involved.
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Objective view of current issues in harm reduction and the importance of law enforcement in public health.
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There are many legal issues facing law enforcement officers when investigating and prosecuting criminal cases. Equally important is developing, learning and executing courtroom strategies and skills of testifying to ensure an officer can articulate how he/she recognized the various legal issues in their case and complied with all Constitutional requirements of investigating and prosecuting a criminal case. This course will instill a combination of knowledge, skills and attitude that will enable officers to not only communicate in the courtroom, but to connect with Judges and Juries in order to successfully prosecute their criminal cases.
If you have questions regarding the Speakers Bureau please contact Tony Bailey at