In March of 2022, we announced the creation of the FBI National Academy Associates’ Spiritual Leadership Network (SLN).
We are pleased that several chapters have now appointed a chapter chaplain who serves the spiritual needs of their chapter membership and is actively working with the National Board Chaplain. Our hope is to continue developing a national network of volunteers who serve in an official or unofficial capacity as clergy, chaplain, minister, or spiritual leader for their state and/or international chapters. The need for us to unite in a spiritual way is so particularly important today. Connecting our state and international chapters’ spiritual leaders with the National Office Team will bring support to those in need more efficiently, unite us in spiritual thought and prayer, and bring us closer together in times of celebration and in times of need. The chapters’ participation is voluntary, but our hope is that our network is large enough to serve the needs of the FBINAA.
Together, we can build a strong and caring network that can better serve the spiritual needs of our membership. We hope all of you can contribute and take part in this wonderful initiative to make it a meaningful resource.
If your Chapter has someone who now or might serve as a spiritual leader and wants to take part in the SLN, please tell us or click the link below to fill out the application. All applications will be reviewed by the National Board for approval.
Note: Chapter endorsement is required.
For more information contact our National Board Chaplain Mike Hardee at 904-463-2657 or