
Comprehensive Officer Resilience Program®

Lesson #1 – Overview of Resilience and the Resilience Toolkit

Objective – The objective of this lesson is for each student to comprehend the concept of resilience and to respond to the concept of resilience.

Main points:

  1. Resilience Defined
  2. Why Resilience matters
  3. People can learn to be resilient
  4. Fixed vs growth mindset
  5. Broaden & Build
  6. Resilience story (in class activity)
  7. Comprehensive resilience program (Domains and tenants)

Lesson #2 – Counting Blessings

Objective – The objective of this lesson is for each student to comprehend the concept of Counting blessings and to respond to the concept of the skill.

Main points:

  1. Explain the goal of counting blessings.
  2. Explain why gratitude matters.
  3. Describe how to use counting blessings.
  4. Give examples of when to use counting blessings.

Lesson #3 – Accomplishing Goals

Objective – The objective of this lesson is to comprehend the concept of accomplishing goals and for each student to respond to the concept of the skill of accomplishing goals.

Main points:

  1. Goal
  2. Relationships to the comprehensive resilience program (domain and tenants).
  3. Values
  4. Your goal.
  5. Chart your course

Lesson #4 – ABC (Activating event, Brain, Consequences)

Objective – The objective of this lesson is for each student to respond to the concept of the ABC model and to introduce the audience to the ABC model and highlight the link between thoughts and subsequent emotions which cause our reactions.

Main points:

  1. Relationships to the comprehensive resilience program (domains and tenents).
  2. ABC model
  3. Emotional and physical reactions.
  4. Using ABC
  5. Student Activity

Lesson #5 – Check your playbook

Objective – The objective of this lesson is for each student to comprehend the concept of the skill of check your playbook and to respond to the concept of the skill of Check your playbook.

Main Points

  1. Goal
  2. Connection to the Comprehensive resilience program (domains and tenants).
  3. What’s in your brain?
  4. In class activity
  5. Playbook
  6. Fixed vs. growth
  7. Critical question
  8. Using Checking your playbook.
  9. Student activity

Lesson #6 – Balance Your Thinking and Instant Balance your Thinking

Objective – The objective of this lesson is to comprehend the concept of Balance your thinking and instant balance your thinking and for each student to respond to the concept of the skills of balance your thinking and instant balance your thinking.

Main points:

  1. Balance your thinking and instant balance your thinking.

Lesson #7 – Capitalizing on Strengths

Objective – The objective of this lesson is to introduce the audience to the Capitalizing on Strengths Skill and understand the value of recognizing and utilizing your strengths and the strengths of others.

Main points:

  1. Goal of Capitalizing on strengths
  2. Connection to the Comprehensive resilience program (domains and tenets).
  3. Why capitalizing on Strengths Matter
  4. Values in action survey
  5. Strength spotting
  6. Find new ways to capitalize on your strengths
  7. Strengths regulation
  8. Team strengths

Lesson #8 – Acceptance Strategies Mindfulness and Meaning Making

Objective – The objective of this lesson is for each student to comprehend the concept of acceptance strategies and for each student to respond to the concept of the skill of the acceptance strategies of mindfulness and meaning-making.

Main points:

  1. Acceptance
  2. Mindfulness
  3. Meaning-making

Lesson #9 – Spiritual Resilience

Objective – The objective of this lesson is for each student to comprehend the concept of the spiritual resilience and to respond to the concept of Spiritual resilience.

Main points:

  1. Relationships to the comprehensive resilience program (domain and tenents)
  2. Spiritual resilience
  3. Board of Directors
  4. Meaning and Purpose during adversity
  5. Spiritual reminder
  6. Student activity

Lesson #10 – Physical Resilience

Objective – The objective of this lesson is for each student to respond to the concept of physical resilience and to comprehend the concept of physical resilience.

Main points:

  1. Relationships to the Comprehensive resilience program (domains and tenents).
  2. Nutrition
  3. Strength
  4. Endurance
  5. Recovery

Lesson #11 – Interpersonal Problem Solving

Objective – The objective of this lesson is for each student to comprehend the concept of interpersonal problem solving and to respond to the concept of interpersonal problem solving.

Main points:

  1. Goal
  2. Relationship to the comprehensive resilience program (domain and tenents)
  3. Avoid Mind Reading
  4. Constructive vs. Destructive conflict
  5. Interpersonal problem solving
  6. Interpersonal problem solving steps
  7. If someone comes to you with a problems...
  8. Student activity

Lesson #12 – Good Listening and Active Constructive Responding (ACR)

Objective – The objective of this lesson is for each student to comprehend the concept of Good listening and ACR as well for each student to respond to the concept of Good listening and ACR.

Main points:

  1. Goal
  2. Relationship to the comprehensive resilience program (domain and tenents)
  3. ABCDE’s of good listening
  4. Active constructive responding
  5. ACR lessons learned
  6. Student activity