West Virginia Chapter

Chapter Overview

While one of the smallest chapters within our organization, the West Virginia Chapter hosts one of the largest and most talked about retrainers in the world. Held normally during the month of August at Camp Dawson, Kingwood, West Virginia, our goal has been to offer training to all law enforcement regardless of National Academy attendance. Our belief is that this helps advertise the FBI National Academy. It continues the important aspect of networking officers and agencies. In addition, it provides training options to officers and agencies who feel they are not able to attend Quantico.

Our slogan, “Once we have you, we have you for life” has been proven time and time again. Please join us August 22-24, 2021 for a true training adventure.


Chapter Calendar


Chapter Trainer
Camp Dawson WV
August 17-20, 2025

Communicate with Us

Preferred Chapter POC:
Keith Roberts


Chapter Mailing Address:
Parkersburg Police Dept
Attn:  Keith Roberts
PO Box 1167
Parkersburg, WV 26104
Email:  keith.roberts@parkersburgpolice.com
Phone: 304-481-3478

Join our Chapter Facebook Group

West Virginia Chapter Board

Name Position
Kenneth W. Huddleston President
Keith D. Roberts Secretary
Paul M. Carper Treasurer
Sonya M. Porter YLP Coordinator

Chapter Gallery