The South Carolina Chapter of the FBI National Academy associates is a vibrant chapter with over 300 active members. Our Executive Board is made up of a President, two Vice Presidents, our Secretary/Treasurer and our Immediate Past President. We have a very active Chapter. We have monthly Dinner/Meetings in all parts of the State, we usually stay booked over a year in advance. The South Carolina Chapter partners with the FBI to host the FBI Command College in the spring. This well sought training is limited to 70 attendees and books days after registration opens. The South Carolina Chapter hosts the best training and networking Spring Training Conference in the nation!! We hold it each March in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Approximately one third of our members attend this event. Our conference vendors set up in our training venue, which gives them direct access to our members and guests. Our vendors are also invited to participate and interact with our members at our golf outing, lunch, dinner, family night and the conference banquet.
SC Command College
Myrtle Beach SC
February 23-28, 2025
Spring Training Conference
Myrtle Beach SC
Preferred Chapter POC:
Jones Gamble
Chapter Secretary/Treasurer
Chapter Mailing Address:
PO Box 3923
West Columbia, SC 29171
Phone: 803-331-8549
Name | Position |
Irick "TJ" Geary | President |
Kevin Cornett | 1st Vice President |
Jimmy Gleaton | 2nd Vice President |
Jones Gamble | Secretary/Treasurer |
Terrence Green | YLP Coordinator |