Nebraska Chapter

Chapter Overview

The Nebraska Chapter of the FBI National Academy is a strong chapter with over 130 active members including approximately 90 Active Duty Sworn and 39 retired. For our governing board, the Presidency covers the entire state and candidates ascend through the VP chairs before they assume the Presidency. Our Annual Re-Trainer is typically held in the Western part of the State, with our Fall Luncheon Retrainer held in the Eastern part of the State. Our Chapter shares six National Academy slots equally dispersed with our friends from Iowa each year, and our Chapters enjoy a positive relationship. The goal of our Chapter is in line with the goals of the FBI National Academy: strengthening the professional relationships within our State, our Nation, and the Globe. Please contact your State Vice President, or the Chapter Secretary if you have questions, or have suggestions for an event or training. We encourage our members to remain active, involved, and engaged so that we may keep the FBI National Academy Associates the strongest Law Enforcement organization in the world. GO BIG RED!


Chapter Calendar

Chapter Retrainer Co-Hosted with IA
April 9-11, 2025
Des Moines IA
POC:  Leanna Ellis

Chapter Luncheon
POC: John Shelton

Communicate with Us

Preferred Chapter POC:
John Shelton

Chapter Secretary/Treasurer

Chapter Mailing Address:
715 E. Surf St.
Stockton, MO 65785
Phone: 402-450-0841

Nebraska Chapter Board

Name Position
Ken S. Kanger President
John J. Shelton Secretary/Treasurer
John Vik YLP Coordinator

Chapter Gallery