Welcome to the New Mexico Chapter of the FBI National Academy Associates. Our chapter serves law enforcement agencies in all thirty-three counties, which incorporates more than 121,000 square miles. We work hard to engage in reflection and build consensus with agencies about what works and what doesn’t. Today, criminal justice and law enforcement professionals have to be skilled and knowledgeable as problem solvers, public relations experts, community builders, and communicators. Our values include enhancing career opportunities for public servants, establishing a collaborative effort between law enforcement agencies, enhancing promotion and professionalism, increasing public trust, and instilling model public servants. Having a relationship with National, and other regional chapters, allows us to remain part of the strongest Law Enforcement Network organization in the world. We encourage you to stay active, stay involved, and continue promoting your chapter. For more information about our chapter or inquire about our upcoming events, please contact our Chapter Secretary.
Quarterly sendoff Luncheons for FBI NA: March, June, September, and December
2025 Annual Training Conference
Ruidoso Convention Center
April 2025
Annual Dinner
Tomasita's, Albuquerque NM
December 2025
Preferred Chapter POC:
Steven Shaw
Chapter Secretary/Treasurer
Chapter Mailing Address:
3756 Spyglass Loop
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Email: fbinaanm@outlook.com
Phone: 505-263-6870
Name | Position |
Dale Wagoner | President |
Michael Walker | 1st Vice President |
Steven L. Shaw | Secretary/Treasurer |
Robert L. Stelzer | Historian |
Stephen P. Cary | YLP Coordinator |